Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back on track...

So I've started like three different posts this week and haven't published any of them...I have been so uninspired with blogging I just didn't want to post something for the sake of posting...But I felt the need to give you all an update!

This past weekend I was glued to my desk (er, kitchen table) studying for my General Securities Series 7 Exam (stocks, bonds, options, variable retirement plans, brokerage services, etc.) that I had to take again on Monday...remember when I failed the first time?

When I took it before I seriously underestimated the vast amount of material this test covered, and did not spend as much time studying as I should have. I mean, the exam is 6+ hours long! So this time around I knew I would have to devote a lot more to studying. Which I did. All throughout this past 30 days I have had to wait to re-take the test I was studying in between work, meetings, running and fundraising. Plus Friday through Monday morning I barely ate anything, was crazy cracked out on caffeine, and did not sleep much in order to cram into my brain everything I had been studying for the past three months!

(This was in no means healthy at all, actually Matt told me I looked "bulimic or something" on Monday afternoon. I was a wreck! But believe me, I have made up for it this week with everything I have eaten.)

Monday morning came around and I headed to the testing center feeling...optimistic yet scared. When I broke for "lunch" after the first half of the test (130 questions) I felt....good but not 100% confident in all of my answers. The second half was brutal, and by this point I think I had given up and realized that I wasn't going to score at least the required 70% to pass.

I was thinking up new careers, envisioning what I would tell my office...making plans to skip the country....then finally I was finished and had about 15 minutes of my allotted time left...I couldn't bear to press the 'I'm done' button so I went back through some of my answers...until finally the time ran out and the screen went blank waiting on my results...I couldn't bare to look!

But finally I did and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the word: PASS

I almost couldn't believe it. I was now certified to work as a stock broker! I never thought I would ever utter that sentence.

So needless to say, running (and blogging!) has fallen by the wayside and I am seriously in need of getting back on track. After a 6 PM meeting tonight I'm hitting the streets to get my body moving again. (Um, hello Wild West Relay in THREE WEEKS???!!!)

In other news, I have been tying to tweak my nutrition and eating habits over the past few months, and are becoming more curious with a partial raw food lifestyle. Food combining is really intriguing me and I've been juicing a ton.

I hope to soon start posting more pictures/recipes of some of the things I eat in order to include some in the new Healthy Yum website that I was so excited to be invited to be a part of! (Well, anyone can be a part of it actually, so I guess I was excited to be included in the invite :)

Just a bit of a sneak peak of some of the raw foods I have been enjoying lately...

Carrot + Apple Juice

Cabbage + Greens + Veggies + Peanut Sauce Salad
(Not exactly raw because of the peanuts, but DELISH! Lived on these last week!)

Raw Creamy Zucchini Soup with Sprouts

More to come later! Have a great Thursday y'all!


  1. welcome back to the blogging world, and congratulations (again) on passing the exam!!

  2. Congrats on passing the exam! So glad your back!! Can't wait to hear more about your raw foods!!

  3. Congratulations!! Sometimes blogging just isn't a priority. I am going to have to try the zucchini soup, it looks really does the salad.

  4. Super huge congrats!!!!!!!!

  5. Congrats on passing your test!

  6. Congrats on the test. I am somewhat interested in raw foods too so I'm curious to see what you are going to post.

  7. Congratulations - well done!

  8. Hey pretty girl! I love the new do.

    Congrats on this -- and on your pretty raw food!!!

  9. Yay! Way to go Girlie. Take a deep breath and EAT. ;)

  10. Congrats on passing you exam! That is great!! Hope you have a relaxing weekend and are able to get some runs in!!

  11. Awww! Congrats on the pass! You must be thrilled.

    haha- I give Josh's mom a TJs list every once in a while and she ships it to me (she rocks). I just wrote TJs an email yesterday telling them how bad we need them....hopefully they'll open a store here soon!

  12. Way to kick that test's butt! Glad to see all your hard work paid off for you. Now back on track with the relay work. :) It's going to be here before we know it. SO EXCITED!!!

  13. Congratulations on the big PASS!!

  14. Do you like using the juicer? I am intrigued by them, but a friend of mine had one and didn't clean it out. It ended up smelling like a dead animal. I still can't get past that.

  15. Congratulations on the PASS!! You've been working hard for it!
